Notice anything different? Well, for starters the background is NOT the Special Care Nursery room but my house. That's right, I'm HOME!!!
Let's start at the top. Mom and Dad came by for most of the day today and for most of they day they did the usual stuff: temperature...
...and holding me.
(really, who could ask for anything more, right?)
But when they started putting more clothes on me instead of just putting me back in my crib to sleep after my 5:30 feeding, I knew something was up.
I had just figured out that we must be going on a trip somewhere, which was why they were bundling me up (I know I haven't been outside the hospital, but it doesn't take a genius to watch the weather and realize it's cold out and I'd need extra clothes) - and that was when they shoved a paci in my mouth to keep me from talking! I think they didn't want Ben to know what was going on since he still has to stay in our room in Special Care awhile longer.
Once they put a hat on me I knew I was right since it's always pretty warm in Special Care and I rarely need to wear a hat but they were pretty insistent this time.
Then they put me in that same special chair they sat me in for awhile yesterday....
... and next thing I knew I was in the back seat of the Forester on our way home. We hit some traffic, and I remembered my training from Mom while me and Ben were still inside her that whenever the car has to stop we're supposed to yell "stupid Dallas traffic!" Of course, I haven't quite figured out how to say all of that yet so I just cried whenever we came to a stop.
But before too long, Dad took me out of the car - still in that special chair - and brought me into another place. It smelled a little different than either of the nurseries but I was too sleepy to look around and check it out very much. I'll have more of a report on the new digs tomorrow when I've had a chance to check them out more.
All in all a pretty busy day for me. I hope Ben does okay on his own without me to talk to him in our room tonight!
Oh, and I did get to try out Skype this evening to visit with my cousin Eli. I showed him how to drink a bottle, but maybe I should try whatever he's doing since he's gotten a lot bigger than me!
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