Monday, December 19, 2011

mid-December catch-up

(Editor's - i.e., Dad's - note:   due to finals-week-slash-end-of-semester-hecticness, was not able to post any of the kids' updates this past week and just now getting back to it now that grades are posted and graduation's over.  To get back on track I've asked them to keep their notes on the 14th-18th brief and do more of a summary/digest version.  But never fear, there'll still be pictures from each day even if not as much text.  Then I expect we'll be back to the usual once-daily entries from here till the next crisis)

Wednesday, Dec 14th

Okay, before anything else I just need to say:  I know Dad wanted us to keep these short, but I have to say I don't see why I should have to have less to say just because he's been busy - I mean, I've been keeping up with my logs on what's happening every day, it's hardly my fault that he didn't get around to posting them.  But whatever, I'll try to be concise, efficient, short, and to the point (ha ha! - get it?)

Not a whole lot to report on Wednesday anyhow other than my feedings.  Weight's up a bit to 4 lb. 15 oz. - still can't quite break that 5 pound mark...

As for the feedings, I'm getting pretty good at eating from the bottle.  I took a whole bottle at 8:30 a.m. from the nurse, then another whole one (in fact more than that, I only needed to eat 43 ml but I took 47!) from Dad at 11:30, eating the whole thing in under 15 minutes.  I'm doing good!

(Editor's note:  yes, she's eating well, but what she "forgot" to mention is that when I went to feed her she was crying like crazy, but following nursery procedure I had to do her temperature and diaper before feeding her, and while she had her diaper off she peed on her outfit, which meant we had to change her clothes, which made her even MORE angry and was literally *screaming* until I got the bottle in her mouth, which quieted her right down.  I'm hoping this isn't a trend that she's going to go crazy any time we have to do anything other than feed her when she's hungry...)

ANYHOW, after my feeding I took a nap - you might not believe it, but it's a lot of work sucking milk out of a bottle!

Mom came in the afternoon and she wanted to give me a bottle as well - not a bad deal when everyone who shows up wants to feed me! ;-)

I was still asleep when she took me out to get me ready for my bottle (worn out from not one, but TWO shots earlier - but I don't want to talk about that!), but recognized her voice and was happy to hear her.

Aren't I cute?  And if you think that one's cute, check out this yawn:

Eventually I woke up - well, at least enough to eat, which i can do with my eyes closed - and took my bottle like a pro.  The nurses and Mom and Dad all say I'm doing great and if I can keep it up hopefully I can go home soon.

Afterwards I had a nice little sit with Mom.

She put me to bed and I slept well for awhile, though I had one brady (which I will point out I recovered from nicely with only a teensy bit of help from the nurses)

Mom stayed overnight, and I didn't want her to feel left out of hearing my voice since Dad got to hear it earlier in the day, so I made sure to wake up and start crying half an hour before each of my scheduled overnight feedings.  I'm pretty sure she liked it since she came over to say hi to me each time I started up again.

Thursday, Dec 15th

Up another half ounce, to 4 lb. 15.5 oz.  Ugh!  I can taste that 5 pound mark, but just can't seem to quite get there.

Mom tried breastfeeding me this morning and was holding me in a different position for some reason but without much different of a result - I'm just not that interested in breastfeeding except when I'm wide awake, and if they want me to be wide awake then perhaps first thing in the morning is not the best option when I've been up partying (okay, fine, crying - happy now?) off and on all night.

I did a little better at the next feeding, where I was back in my normal breastfeeding position...
...and had a nice little visit with Mom after:

Mom left for a bit after that but came back with Dad for my 5:30 p.m. feeding.  I had had a brady while they were gone, which I wasn't going to tell them about since it reset my going-home clock (I have to go five whole days straight without a brady before they'll let me go home), but they saw it on my monitor so no such luck.  And the countdown begins again...

Friday, Dec 16th

Finally broke the five pound mark!!!  Now 5 pounds, 1 ounce!

So I've been taking most of my feedings via bottle or breastfeeding the past couple days, and decided I was ready to just do all of them that way.  So I took some action.  Notice anything different:

That's right, I pulled out my feeding tube this morning!  After I had pulled it the nurse said that as long as I was able to take all my feedings orally from here on (no sweat) and finish the amounts I needed each time (that's sometimes the hard part) they wouldn't put it back in!  So it's been great not having ANY tubes in me for the first time since, well, about 10 seconds after I was born!  And that's a big step toward going home, too.

I'm trying to get more on a regular schedule per Mom and Dad's request; when they showed up to feed me I was already in the process of waking up, though I was hiding inside my blanket since it was pretty bright out:

After giving me my bottle, Dad held me in a pseudo-kangaroo-style (but with shirt on) for about an hour.  It was really nice - I got good and comfy and slept like a log!

(you'll notice I still haven't quite worked out the "suck my thumb" thing yet, but I'm getting closer each day - actually got a couple fingers into my mouth this time!)

In the evening at my 8:30 feeding Mom breastfed me and I tried - I really did - but I could only take 18 ml.  Not sure why, but I just like the bottle better, I think it's easier to get the milk out and I can position myself better.  Anyhow, I still needed to take the rest of my feeding, and without the feeding tube I had to take it via bottle, which took a long time since I was already tuckered out from the breastfeeding.  You know what they need?  Some sort of automated bottle that puts the milk into you on its own but doesn't require a tube up your nose.  Someone should get on that.

Back to my feeding - it took a really long time, and Mom and Dad weren't too happy about that and said I needed to get faster before I came home, at least for the night time feedings.  I thought that was kind of mean so spit some of the milk back up to show them how I felt.  My point made, I tried to go back to sleep but was fussy and crying until Dad took me out and rocked me and sang me to sleep.

Looks peaceful, huh?  Not to worry, Dad stayed overnight and I made sure he got his fair share of crying overnight - whether because I was hungry, or needed to be changed, or just wanted to be held.  Gotta get him ready for when I come home, right?  He stayed through...

Saturday, Dec 17th

.... when he woke up with me in the morning but then had to go into work for some sort of thing (can you believe he's working on a Saturday?  Lame...) (Editor's note: it was SMU graduation, and I went to see a couple of my students get their diplomas).

So I took my usual bottle feeding (24 hours of no tube feedings now!) and went back to sleep.

Dad came back after his work thing and met Mom there.  He's getting good at bottle feeding me so did it again while Mom breastfed Ben (who for some bizarre reason actually prefers breastfeeding to the bottle, which is crazy since it's a lot more work)

After that it was time for a well-deserved nap!  And not much else to report from Saturday, pretty normal day.

Sunday, Dec. 18th

Well, I guess this is what I get for trying to "versatile."  So generally I've been taking my feedings from the bottle, but I'm supposed to be trying to get better at breastfeeding too so I can do either equally well.  And this morning I was awake when Mom and Dad came by for my 8:30 a.m. feeding, so I figured I'd be a good sport and give it a shot.

Tried for awhile, wasn't getting much, and I got so focused on trying to eat that I forgot to regulate my heartrate and had a brady - which means my going-home clock got reset again, and now the earliest I can come home is next Saturday!  So I was a little grumpy about that - we'll see if I'm so willing next time they want me to try something different when I have a solution that's working just peachy.

And for all that I only took 14 ml (!), so Dad had to finish feeding me with a bottle (which I took down like a pro, thank you very much!) while Mom breastfed Ben.

I do love my bottle!

After eating I was a little fussy so Dad held me, which turned out to not be the brightest idea on his part since I spit up on his shirt.  He put me back in my crib while he cleaned it up, but I didn't go back to sleep.

In fact, I stayed awake right through my next feeding (including a 40-minute test of my emergency broadcast system - I guess Dad didn't realize it was just a test, since he held me, rocked me, changed me, sang to me, and gave me my paci - remind me next time to be clearer about that so he doesn't worry so much).  Mom gave me a bottle that time and I did much better than I had done with the breastfeeding.

It was a busy day - and that was only the morning and early afternoon!  I went to sleep to get some much-needed rest.  Got a big week coming up, possibly even going home if I can avoid any bradies - wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. She looks GREAT! I got chills when I saw her without her tubes!:) I remember that feeling so well! It is glad to hear she is doing well with the feedings. She may be a smart cookie like our little Sophia was and though I worked so hard to "teach her" to breastfeed per our NICU status, once she got home, she figured out that the bottle was SO much easier, refused to nurse and wouldn't eat until we gave her a bottle. She never went back. She has been eating like a champ (and still stealing her brother's food) ever since!:) SO glad for all of the great progress! Way to go Rory, keep up the good work!!!!
