Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday 3 Dec

Yay weekend!
That's me, holding steady at 4 lb. 3 oz. (or they forgot to write down my new weight and it'll look like I have a big jump tomorrow - either way better than losing weight!)

I'm allowed 2-3 bottles per day now, and once I'm successful with all of those they'll start increasing the number again.  Goal is 8 bottles per day - and I have to finish all of them - before they'll let me go home, so still a long way to go but I'm working hard at it and making progress!

Mom and Dad came by in the late afternoon to visit.  As usual, I was asleep when they got there (what?  I need my 22-23 hours of beauty rest per day - a face like this doesn't come free!)

And yes, I still have my strawberry hat on from yesterday - why mess with a good thing?  You'll also notice I'm wearing two hats; I was a little chilly earlier so the nurses wrapped me up with an extra blanket and gave me the extra hat.  I'm still getting used to this maintaining-my-body-temperature-outside-the-incubator thing, plus I think there's a little draft in this area (since clearly the chilliness couldn't be my fault - Dad says he felt it too).

Anyhow, I slept right through Dad doing my temperature and diaper (I had a nice poop ready for him, my second big one of the day!)

After that it was time for my feeding, so we got right to that - I guess I was hungrier than I had thought since I gulped down the first half (~20 ml) of my bottle in about 6 minutes!

Pretty impressive for someone who's 90% asleep, huh?

After gulping that down so fast, Dad burped me and I made one giant burp that was so loud the nurse at the other end of the nursery yelled that she had heard it from there!  (very ladylike, I know, but I repeat:  I was hungry!)

Then I sucked down the rest of the bottle (for 40 ml total) in about 9 minutes, so total time for the whole thing was under 20 minutes, even including two burpings (and yes, the second time I was once again pretty loud).  More impressive is that unlike my brother who likes to spit his food back up I kept it all down.

Dad held me for about another hour after eating.

And okay, I'll admit I got a little too comfy and had a couple of brady episodes, but once again I don't think I should get all the blame - I'm also not used to having a full tummy yet, since most of my eating to this point has been through the tube, where it drips in slowly rather than all coming in at once. (although in fairness I guess I didn't have to eat my whole bottle so quickly, but you can hardly blame me for enjoying a meal - I'm an epicure, and I think Mom had sushi last night, which is a personal favorite of mine).

When I had my third episode they decided it might be better if I was back in the crib so Dad put me back, and they gave me a little extra oxygen to help me recover better while I was still digesting.

(okay, I'll admit it, oxygen makes me sleepy!)

I feel back into a half-asleep mode while Mom and Dad visited with Ben for a bit, then woke up to say goodbye when they were ready to leave for the night.

That's it for me today, I've got to rest up so I can do a great job with my 3 bottles tomorrow again.  Sweet dreams everyone!

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