Thursday, 1 December
Weight at 4 lb. 1.6 oz., down a little from my high but still staying above that 4 pound mark.
Dad came to visit in the morning, and found me sound asleep.
I was sleepy so didn't wake up to say hi, although I did make my displeasure with having my sleep disturbed for a diaper change known!

Mom came later in the day for my 5 p.m. feeding and tried breastfeeding with me (don't have pictures since, as I mentioned, the camera had been left at Dad's work), but I was still pretty sleepy and didn't take very much, so they did my whole feeding through my nose tube.
Friday, 2 December
More weight progress (well, at least recuperating what I had lost) as I'm back up to 4 lb. 3 oz., and getting better at my feedings with each passing day - I took a full bottle this morning!
After not being able to wake up for either Mom or Dad yesterday, and knowing they were coming for my 5 p.m. feeding today, I made sure to get a good day's sleep so I could wake up when they came. My plan worked - I was still asleep when they arrived, but woke up when they started doing my diaper and temperature - even held my own pacifier in for a bit!
After all that was done, Mom took me out and did my bottle feeding. I stayed awake for the whole thing!
In fact, Dad was even able to get a little video of me bottle feeding, which *should* show up below (if not, bear with me, I'm still working out this whole "posting videos" thing and this is my first stab at it - and I'm only 7 weeks old, so it's not like I've had a lot of time to practice!):
I'm getting better at the bottlefeeding but still take in some air, so luckily Mom did a good job burping me since I definitely had some air in my tummy!
As you can see, I was pretty happy when the burp finally came out! (one thing I've learned from my brother is that Mom and Dad tend to take more pictures if (a) you open your eyes and (b) make funny expressions, so I've been working on both areas so I get more pics to work with for the blog - you're welcome, loyal readers!).
Mom held me for over an hour total, including my feeding. We had a good visit, then I finally started getting sleepy so she put me back in my crib. However, I was a little jealous of Ben getting so much attention for his dog hat so I put on my own strawberry hat.
Now who's the cutest? ;-) Back to bed for me, I'll post again tomorrow (provided no more parental blunders with the camera)!
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