Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve!

Not much to report since I slept ALL DAY today.  It was awesome.  And I can feel those brains growing.

Okay, technically it wasn't all day.  I was awake briefly after my morning feeding and played with (i.e. looked at) my peacock toy:

But I was pretty much asleep after that, even when I was eating.  Had to rest up for the biggest party night of the year!

So in the evening Mom and Dad helped me put on my New Year's Eve getup, which was my ballerina outfit from Paulanne and Lisa.

Pretty sure I would be the hit of any party looking this good:

....which makes it a shame that Mom and Dad decided we were going to stay in tonight.  Really?  On New Year's Eve?  LAME.  So we just hung around the house, and I didn't get to show off my outfit (though I told Dad he better at least post the pictures tonight so people can see how cute I am).

I decided to express my displeasure the only way I know how, with a massive spit-up. First I spit up just a bit on the blanket and my outfit to get Mom and Dad to come over and check on me, then I did a massive projectile right onto Dad's face (sorry, Dad, don't do the crime if you can't do the time - in this case, make us better party plans!).  I also unfortunately was a little off on my aim and got it all over myself as well so I had to have an immediate bath, and my beautiful clothes had to go right into the laundry.

Anyhow, after that I figured the night was going to be pretty weak and since a girl can always use some more brains I went back to sleep.

Unless I get hungry and get up to eat sooner, it'll be 2012 when I wake up - so Happy New Year everyone!

end of December

Wednesday, Dec 28th

I'm starting to get used to the new digs, sleeping better at night which means I can be more awake during the day (though never fear, I'm still fussing enough to keep Mom and Dad on their toes - don't want to make things too easy for them!).

But the good part of being awake more in the day is I have some time to play with the new stuff I got for Christmas! (yes, I know technically should be getting my thank you notes out before playing, but I have people to take care of that sort of thing... right, Dad?)  So far my favorites are two high-contrast toys I got from Grammy and Grandpa K (thank guys!).  One is a book with black and white pictures - I like the butterfly the best - and the other is a stuffed peacock that has black and white patterns on the back (I guess the front is for once I can see color better).

Check it out - Dad's holding it for me:

...and then this is when I decide I'm done and ready for some more sleep:

So it was a nice day, I had some good play time throughout the day with Dad while Mom was visiting Ben at the hospital, and then got to cuddle with Mom a bit when she came home:

I slept well that night - did two solid 3+ hour stretches which Mom and Dad appreciated!


Thursday, Dec 29th

Since I had slept well, I had a lot of awake time earlier in the day (I tend to get tireder (more tired?  well, if the grammar's wrong sue me, I'm a baby) as the day goes on).

For instance usually I want to go right to sleep after my morning feeding but this time I was wide awake:


Since I was awake, Mom took the opportunity to play my On the Day You Were Born book, which was another Christmas present from Grammy and Grandpa K (I made out like a bandit, didn't I!).  In fact, it actually had recordings of their voices reading the story, which I must admit confused me quite a bit at first since books aren't supposed to talk....
...but once I had my paci in I felt better and listened to the story.

After that I was tuckered out and slept most of the rest of the day, only waking up to eat.  In fact I can't really say I even woke up 100% for my feedings, usually I ate while still half-asleep.  But the nurse says that's okay, it probably means I'm growing some more brains (well, she said "brain development" but I think we know that means growing brains).

Since it was a nice night, Mom and Dad decided to go for a little walk and look at some Christmas lights.  I volunteered to stay home, but was overruled.  However they packed me up in a nice warm swaddled carrier so I wasn't too upset - didn't have to actually do anything myself, just slept most of the way.

When we got home Dad gave me a bath and my night feeding while Mom went to sleep so she could wake up with me in the morning.  I liked the bath, it was nice and warm, and I managed to not poop or pee during the bath which I thought was pretty impressive (I did toot on Dad a little just to let him know what could've happened).  After that and my feeding I was nice and comfy so fell right asleep.  Aren't I cute?

I slept well again, only waking up twice.  And that brings us to

Friday, Dec 30th

This is actually a pretty big day:  it's the day Ben and I were supposed to be born (full-term), had some people not been so eager to get out early that the cause Mom to go into preterm labor.  Boys....

Anyhow, since Mom and Dad are on an alternating schedule of visiting Ben, today was a lot like Wednesday (other than that I was feeling a lot better in the morning since overnight I had finally gotten out this giant poop I had been working on for two days - whew!).

And like Thursday I slept a lot so I must be growing more brains again - I'm gonna have a TON of brains if this keeps up!  Albert Einstein, here I come!

As usual, Mom did my morning feeding...

...then I went right back to sleep.

I stayed home with Dad again while mom went to go see Ben, and we played a little bit but I couldn't make up my mind if i wanted to be asleep or awake so it was kind of half-hearted on my part.  But Dad was a trooper and stuck with it even though it meant he didn't get much done (though really what does he have to do that's better than hanging out with me anyway?)

You'll notice the half-asleep look in most of my adventures that afternoon:

Finally we gave up on playing and I just rested on Dad's legs while he read a book.

After my next feeding, it was nice out again so Dad took me outside (in his arms, and we didn't leave the front porch, but still a trip given that normally I'm only in the living room or my bedroom) for a little bit.  I don't like the outside - it's too bright out there!  Even when Dad stood to block the light from me it was too bright so I just kept my eyes shut until we went back in.  I do like the warmth though!

When we came back in I slept on Dad's chest for about an hour.  That was pretty comfy!  Got my tummy time in here too, managed to lift my head up three times with my arms - go me!

When Mom came home we played on my play mat a little bit but I was still half-asleep

(Dad took this pic with his foot to give a sense of how big I am now.  He's a size 10 for reference.  I know, he's weird....)

Oh, and in other me-related news, Dad got the bill for my hospital stay, and showed it to me so I knew how expensive I was.  You can see my reaction, which was similar to his.
He said Ben and I better be ready to open a lot of lemonade stands to start paying it back.  Personally, I just think it confirms what we already knew, which is that I'm a pretty awesome commodity worth a lot of money.

To liven things up after that, I decided to go with a little end of year prank.  Since I had been pretty good the past couple days, I thought maybe Mom and Dad were getting a little too comfortable with the schedule and hence needed to be thrown for a loop a bit this evening.  So when Mom fed me at night I kept spitting up all over her (which was particularly amusing since she had already changed from Ben throwing up all over her at the hospital), but kept wanting more food every time I spit some up, then spit up the new food, so it was a vicious circle.  Finally they got wise to me and stopped feeding me.

Since I had already gotten Mom, I then gave Dad his own trouble by crying and not going to sleep until he rocked me for about half an hour.  But In the end he couldn't be mad at me because I gave him this cute face as I went to sleep:

In the immortal words of Mr. Bugs Bunny, ain't I a stinker?  :-)

More over the weekend, in the meantime have a happy new year's eve everyone!  I plan to hit the town myself - if I can stay up till midnight, which I haven't been real successful with thus far but I have a good feeling about tomorrow....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas weekend

Okay, I realize it's been awhile, and I'll take a little responsibility for that - I admit, I have been keeping Dad up a lot and not given him much time to post.  So let's get right up to date.

Had a great Christmas - I got to celebrate at home with Mom and Dad (instead of at the hospital)!  And look how many presents there were under the tree, mostly for me and Ben!

Mom and Dad set me up so I could get a good look at everything, which was great!

I got a lot of good presents from a lot of people.  Here's just a few.  One from Grandma and Grandpa K...
...and one from my Aunt Judy....
... and one from my cousins Luke and Madeleine...
... and one from Grandma and Grandpa A, who gave me a lot of clothes, shoes, and an ornament...
...and a Baby's 1st Christmas outfit (from Aunt Carol and Uncle Chris) which I don't quite fit into yet.

And here's an outfit from Aunt Donna and Uncle Joe.  It's still pretty big for me, but I'll grow into it, and it's nice to have some clothes for when I get a little bigger!
And a ballerina outfit from my cousins (2nd cousins?  Cousins once removed?  Not sure how that works.  They're Dad's cousins, so whatever that means) Paulanne and Lisa

Here's the aftermath.  I'm tired out from opening all my gifts, but you can see them all piled in front of me!

Day after Christmas I was pooped out so just rested around the house during the day
(I was saving up my energy to keep Dad up all night, when he would NOT be smiling so much)

After a long night of whining I needed some more sleep on Monday so I hung out (literally - ha ha!) with Mom.

Tuesday was another big day - I got to go on another car ride!  I like being in the car, it puts me right to sleep!

We went to the doctor's office, where they checked me out and said I was doing great! (no pictures from the exam, of course, that would be unseemly) I was very patient and even though things ran long and I was late for my feeding, I didn't cry the whole time!

Afterward, since we were already near the hospital we all went to visit Ben in Special Care.  Mom and Dad took turns staying with me in the lounge (apparently even though I was just staying in there four days ago now that I've been out in the world I'm apparently "contaminated" and can't go back in.  Pretty elitist if you ask me...) while they visited Ben.

Dad fed me while we were there - I was pretty hungry from the long wait!

After I got my food though I settled down and had a nice rest on Dad's lap.

Then Mom came in and held me while Dad visited.

Finally we all went home and I rested up the rest of the day since I had been BUUUUSSSY!