Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday 27 Nov

Yeah, baby, FOUR POUNDS!
And check this out:

Notice anything different?  That's right, nasal cannula GONE - I'm breathing on my own!  You may applaud....

Okay, that's enough.  Other news.  They took me off the cannula early this afternoon and so far so good.  The doctor said that if I drop my oxygen saturation below 85% for over fifteen minutes they'll put me back on the NS so I've been careful to keep it up - don't want to have those annoying tubes back in my nose again!

In other news, I'm still handling my feedings well and digesting everything I'm given so they upped me once more, now up to 34 ml per feeding (still the 26 cal/oz fortified milk).  I took my entire feeding from a bottle early this afternoon and the nurses gave me a new goal of taking all my feedings completely via bottle in the next few days.  Not sure I'm up for that quite yet but I'll give it my best....

Mom and Dad came by this afternoon to visit but I was sleepy from working so hard to drink my bottle earlier and breathe on my own all day, so I just stayed asleep.

That's about all to report, making good progress today and excited to keep moving forward tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. YEAH!!!! You go girl!!! Hope today went well! Continuing to pray!!!!
