Up to 3 lb. 13.7 oz.!
You may have read that my brother moved to a crib today and be wondering why I'm still in an incubator. And the answer is that he's being pretty stupid. Why move out to a crib and have to take care of your own temperature when I can stay in here and let the machine do it for me? Isn't it enough that I have to digest, breathe, keep my heart beating, and look cute all at the same time already? (okay, the last one's easy for me - see:
...but the others are a lot of work!) So if he wants to move out and do more work that's fine by me, makes it easier for me to catch up with him!
I did, however, get to try my hand at bottle feeding this morning, and showed up Ben there, taking 21 ml while he only took 18 ml - and that's with me being smaller, so really it should count even more! I woke up for the feeding and it took me awhile to figure out what was going on (it felt like a pacifier in my mouth, which I like, but I was confused at first about why there was milk coming out of the pacifier until I figured out it was actually a bottle). But I ate like a pro after that - took over half my morning feeding through the bottle. Mom was there to watch and said I did a great job; she's gonna try to feed me herself tomorrow.
Not much else to report, had a stable day of sleeping after that. Dad came by after work to visit and give me the update on what they had been up to since they saw me yesterday afternoon (glad to hear the Packers won but probably a good thing I couldn't watch since that would probably be too much stimulation for me!).
Other than that I just slept. It was a good day.
YEAH Rory! You stay nice and cozy as long as you need to keep growing big girl. You and your brother are champs and have made AMAZING strides! We continue to pray for you, Benjamin and your mom and dad. Sending love from Kentucky, The Provenzano's