Monday, January 2, 2012

Start to the new year!

5 lb. 10 oz.

Sunday, January 1st

Pretty low-energy day.  Mom went to visit Ben so I stayed home and watched the Packers game with Dad, slept on his chest for awhile.

One negative thing is that I was straining all day to poop, in fact it was bothering me so much that I ended up not being able to get to sleep at night.

I kept Dad up (I feel at least a little better when I'm being held) until I finally got the poop out around 4 a.m. and went to sleep.  Whew!

Monday, January 2nd

This time I stayed was home with Mom while Dad went to visit Ben.  I was pretty tired from being up all night, so after being awake for a little while in the morning....
...I pretty much slept all day.

Not much else to report.

Tuesday, January 3rd

I was up late again last night but today Dad made me stay awake to try to get back on the right schedule.  Boo!  At least I got to play with some of my toys and read my books while I was being kept up.

After I had had what I guess Mom and Dad decided was enough awake time to get me back on schedule, they finally let me go back to sleep.

I must admit, I wasn't a big fan of this plan but I guess it worked - I slept well during the night, doing about 4 hours at a stretch twice between my feedings.  Impressive for a zero-month-old (adjusted age - I figure this "birth age" versus "adjusted age" thing is going to be a lot of fun, I can always choose if I want to be a little older or a little younger depending on the context), no?

Wednesday, January 4th

Dad was with me this morning which was unusual since usually Mom does the morning feedings but I guess she was at the hospital doing something for Ben.

Anyhow, I stayed awake after my 9:30 a.m. feeding so we could play for awhile and we did, I checked out my books and a couple other toys, then got some rest sitting on Dad while we watched TV.

Mom came home and took over in the afternoon.  I was tired from being up for a couple hours earlier in the day so pretty much just slept.  We did do some tummy time but I'm afraid I slept through it, so don't know if it counts (I was technically ON my tummy, but I think I'm supposed to do something while I'm there for it to count...).

Thursday, January 5th

Well, NOT a fun day.  I got to go on a car ride, which I normally like but didn't really feel like doing today.

I was even less enthused when I found out where we were going:  the eye doctor!  I guess they were running behind so we had to wait a long time in the lobby, which was no fun since I wasn't allowed to eat the whole time!
Then of course the appointment itself was no fun.  I was crying so much, in fact, that even though I hadn't eaten in a while I was so pooped from the appointment that I didn't want to eat when I came home, I just wanted to be held.

Finally Dad made me eat a bottle but I pretty much stayed asleep the whole time.

I slept well that night, wrapped up in my Halo!

Friday, January 6th

I was gassy and fussy all day today, didn't want to get put down at all, and pretty much just started crying any time Mom or Dad wasn't holding me, even when they tried to get me to play with my toys or read my book:

Mom had to resort to eating dinner while holding me.

Finally Dad got me to sleep on my own a little bit at around 1 a.m. - but only after holding me for two hours since my last feeding!

Saturday, January 7th

Well, for the big news today you'll want to check out my brother's blog.  It did mean I got to go on another car ride, and pretty much slept through the whole trip this time.  Here's me asleep in my car seat at the lounge of the Special Care Nursery, which should give you a clue as to what happened today:

After that we went home and I got to see Ben for the first time since I went home on December 23rd:

Will be interesting to see how Mom and Dad handle having TWO babies home.  Wish them (and us) luck!

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